Fresco di stampa: bt-TIMES!

Ecco il primo numero del bt-TIMES, il giornale d'informazione di Gruppo B&T, su Gruppo B&T e soprattutto per Gruppo B&T. 
Molti gli argomenti trattati all'interno: dall'attualità agli eventi e dall'economia alle persone, passando per l'innovazione e le tecnologie.  

Tutto quello che è successo in Gruppo B&T nell'ultimo anno è stato raccontato e fotografato in questo primo numero. 


THINK PRO: l’evento di Projecta che presenta le nuove stampanti digitali per il 2023

THINK PRO: l’evento di Projecta che presenta le nuove stampanti digitali per il 2023

Al bt-SPACE spazio a tecnologie, valori e al futuro del settore

Formigine, 15 giugno 2023 - Projecta, azienda di Gruppo B&T specializzata nella produzione di tecnologie di decorazione con stampa digitale, mercoledì 14 giugno ha ospitato oltre 200 ospiti, tra clienti, giornalisti ed esponenti del mondo della politica presso il bt-SPACE in occasione dell’evento Think Pro.  

Gruppo B&T vende il primo impianto innovativo per quarzo ricomposto a Stone Italiana

Gruppo B&T vende il primo impianto innovativo per quarzo ricomposto a Stone Italiana

Formigine, novembre 2022 – Nuovo progetto di Gruppo B&T in collaborazione con Stone Italiana, una delle aziende più all’avanguardia nella produzione di lastre in quarzo ricomposto, con sede a Verona e due stabilimenti nell’Italia settentrionale, Zimella (Verona) e Villesse (Gorizia). Il Gruppo formiginese, system integrator per il quarzo agglomerato, top player da anni nell’industria ceramica, fornirà all’azienda veronese un impianto completo per quarzo che verrà consegnato entro l’estate del 2023.

B&T Quartz: the latest plant innovations from Gruppo B&T for the manufacture of agglomerated quartz surfaces

B&T Quartz:  the latest plant innovations from Gruppo B&T for the manufacture of agglomerated quartz surfaces

The B&T Quartz division, the system integrator for agglomerated quartz surfaces, has presented its complete line of products at bt-LAB

Gruppo B&T has invested more than €10 million in technology and human resources over the past five years with the aim of developing innovative plants for production, finishing and digital decoration of quartz slabs. Drawing from its experience in the ceramic industry, where aesthetics has always been a major strength, Gruppo B&T is continuing to grow and is now capable of supplying complete turnkey solutions that reflect the values of Italian quality, sustainability and innovation.

Gruppo B&T: fari puntati sulla formazione insieme a Federmeccanica

Al bt-SPACE spazio a un evento organizzato da Federmeccanica in collaborazione con Umana

Formigine, 17 giugno 2022 – Un evento su competenze professionali e formazione organizzato da Federmeccanica, la Federazione dell'Industria Metalmeccanica e Meccatronica italiana, all'interno del bt-SPACE; spazio del Gruppo B&T dedicato alla diffusione della cultura ceramica e agli eventi di marketing, ha messo in luce aspettative, prospettive e progetti dedicati alle Risorse Umane, tema centrale per lo sviluppo delle aziende. L'iniziativa ha riunito, tra gli altri, i Presidenti di Gruppo Metalmeccanici e Meccatronici, che al termine dell'incontro hanno condiviso le loro esperienze e opinioni sul tema.


Ad aprire i lavori è stato il CEO del Gruppo B&T e Vicepresidente di Federmeccanica con delega al rapporto con i territori Fabio Tarozzi.

È un enorme piacere – ha dichiarato – ritrovarci finalmente in presenza, e per il nostro Gruppo è un onore farlo in questa sede. Eventi come questo sono di vitale importanza per il nostro tessuto sociale e produttivo, e mi auguro che questa iniziativa possa essere ripetuta anche a casa di altri imprenditori: confrontarsi con altre realtà, anche operanti in settori diversi, è importante perché dà il polso di quanto ci sia sempre da imparare e, soprattutto, perché diversi tratti caratteristici, come può essere quello della formazione, sono estremamente trasversali”.


Tema centrale dell’incontro, preceduto da una visita da parte della delegazione di Federmeccanica in alcuni dei luoghi più significativi del Gruppo tra cui, oltre al bt-SPACE, le aziende Digital Design (studio di design) e Projecta Engineering (leader tecnologico nella decorazione digitale), è stato quello del fabbisogno di competenze professionali e della formazione, con un occhio di riguardo verso i progetti che Federmeccanica sta sviluppando in collaborazione con Umana. Le tematiche sono state approfondite insieme al pubblico da relatori d'eccezione: a dare il loro contributo sono stati infatti il Direttore Generale di Confindustria Francesca Mariotti, Daniele Marini dell'Università di Padova, Andrea Rossi di Confindustria Emilia e la presidente di Umana Maria Raffaella Caprioglio.


Il tema della formazione, non a caso, è da sempre elemento centrale nella mission dell'azienda formiginese. Dal 1989, in collaborazione con il Comune di Formigine e la scuola secondaria di primo grado Adriano Fiori, il Gruppo organizza la borsa di studio Fosco Mariani; evento che ogni anno premia e valorizza gli studenti più meritevoli nell'ottica di spronarli a continuare nell'impegno scolastico. È del 2021, inoltre, l'inaugurazione della Toddlers Bilingual Primary School, scuola del territorio caratterizzata da un forte dialogo tra pedagogia e architettura e da una costruzione sostenibile in linea con l'Agenda ONU 2030, a cui il Gruppo B&T ha partecipato come sostenitore.




Il tutto senza dimenticare gli stage universitari, i progetti sviluppati insieme ad Unimore, lo scouting nelle Università, la partecipazione a Career Day e a specifici pacchetti welfare destinati ai giovani.


“Quando si parla di competenze e formazione – ha concluso Tarozziil nostro Gruppo non si tira mai indietro. In un mondo che cambia velocemente coinvolgendo nella metamorfosi anche il modo di intendere il lavoro formare figure sempre più specializzate diventa imprescindibile per le aziende. Spesso risulta difficile inserire risorse nuove ed è solo con la formazione che si può intraprendere insieme un percorso di crescita virtuoso e condiviso”.



Evento Federmeccanica il 14 giugno presso bt-SPACE

Fabio Tarozzi: “Parleremo di competenze professionali e formazione: un tema centrale anche per il Gruppo B&T”

Formigine, 9 giugno 2022Federmeccanica, la Federazione dell'Industria Metalmeccanica e Meccatronica Italiana, ha scelto bt-SPACE (lo spazio del Gruppo B&T dedicato alla diffusione della cultura ceramica e agli eventi di marketing del Gruppo) come sede di un evento dedicato alle Risorse umane in programma il 14 giugno che riunirà, tra gli altri, i Presidenti di Gruppo Metalmeccanici e Meccatronici.

Il tema portante dell’evento – che si svolgerà in modalità mista in presenza e da remoto – sarà legato proprio al fabbisogno di competenze professionali e alla formazione, nonché ai progetti che Federmeccanica sta sviluppando in collaborazione con Humana.

Fabio Tarozzi, in qualità di CEO del Gruppo B&T e Vicepresidente di Federmeccanica con delega al rapporto con i territori, farà gli onori di casa. Prenderanno parte alla giornata anche il direttore di Federmeccanica Stefano Franchi e vari presidenti dei gruppi territoriali del sistema Confindustria.

La delegazione di Federmeccanica avrà modo di visitare anche alcuni dei luoghi più significativi del Gruppo B&T, produttore di impianti completi a servizio dell’industria ceramica mondiale: oltre agli allestimenti di design di bt-SPACE, caratterizzati da lastre ceramiche ambientate in diverse destinazioni di uso, gli ospiti conosceranno da vicino le aziende Digital Design (la casa della ricerca grafica e delle soluzioni estetiche per piastrelle e lastre) e Projecta Engineering, leader tecnologico nella decorazione digitale in ceramica.

“Per il nostro Gruppo – dichiara Fabio Tarozzi, CEO del Gruppo B&T – il tema delle competenze professionali e della formazione è centrale. Crediamo nel concetto di umanesimo tecnologico (le persone al centro del progresso tecnologico) e di trasformazione digitale. L’innovazione e la Ricerca & Sviluppo sono strettamente connesse alle capacità e alle conoscenze dei dipendenti e dei collaboratori. Il successo delle aziende che sviluppano tecnologia passa attraverso un’estrema attenzione al costante aggiornamento delle competenze delle risorse umane e all’attrazione di nuovi talenti, concetto che si unisce perfettamente al forte radicamento territoriale del nostro Gruppo”.

Gruppo B&T opera all’interno di un cluster iper specializzato come quello di Sassuolo: anche attraverso Borse di Studio, stage post universitari, numerosi progetti sviluppati insieme a Unimore, lo scouting nelle Università e la partecipazione al Career Day e a specifici pacchetti welfare destinati ai giovani, il Gruppo coltiva e intercetta nuove risorse indispensabili alla sua crescita.

“Dare risposta ai nuovi fabbisogni formativi, a livello aziendale e confindustriale, ritengo sia una priorità assoluta – conclude Tarozzia maggior ragione in un contesto dove scarseggiano alcuni profili professionali di natura tecnico-ingegneristica, di fronte a macchine sempre più evolute. È quindi motivo di soddisfazione approfondire questi temi all’interno del nostro contenitore bt-SPACE, dove sia in termini di tecnologia che di prodotto sono in mostra i preziosi risultati ottenuti proprio grazie ai contenuti professionali di altissima qualità espressi dal nostro personale”.







SITI B&T Group: the first SUPERA® in Brazil will be operating soon

The Formigine group’s leading technology for the production of slabs

on a belt will make its début in the South American market with the Fragnani group

Formigine, 31 March 2022 - SITI-B&T Group, a manufacturer of complete systems serving the world's ceramic industry, has announced two major projects with the Fragnani Group, where it will install the first SUPERA® line in Brazil, one of the most important ceramic markets in the world. Two of the Brazilian Group’s plants are involved: Tecnogres and Incenor in Bahia.

SUPERA® is the exclusive pressing technology on a belt and without any mould, created to guarantee maximum flexibility and versatility in terms of product size and thickness, totally eliminating the dependence on moulds and having as its main objective the elimination of green waste. A massive technological renewal has been launched within the Tecnogres plant, which includes the installation of a SUPERA® line capable of processing slabs up to 1600x3200mm and green cut sub-sizes, with thicknesses from 6 to 20mm.

One of the main features of this 30 thousand tons press is its production capacity, capable of reaching 500 thousand square metres/month. This peculiarity allows, in addition to a great economic advantage determined by the increase in productivity, obtaining a significant reduction in energy consumption during the working process, thanks also to the patented Start&Stop system which allows energy consumption to be reduced by 30%.

An important advantage of SUPERA® is the pressing system using a high hardness and durability resin pad, which allows the creation of structured products and surface reliefs with high definition and depth.

This system also ensures, in addition to the evident qualitative results, a reduction in production costs, not having to purchase belts which due to their nature are prone to wear.

The patented SUPERA® mouldless pressing system is characterized by an extraordinary tolerance to different types of mixes and requires local raw materials not necessarily with high plasticity or humidity, also available at KM 0, resulting in some of the lowest operating costs on the market.

SUPERA® is also a modular system, which does not require special transport. For this reason, in order to facilitate on-site logistics and facilitate installation at the customer's plant scheduled for early August, the press will be loaded and shipped disassembled from the logistics hub of the Formigine giant.

Another important project in Brazil is, as already mentioned, the complete plant already being assembled at Incenor, this too a Fragnani Group company based in Bahia. The single-firing line purchased by the Brazilian customer features in fact the highest productivity in the world, with 44


thousand square metres/day and green tiles of 68x68cm, which will then be processed to obtain the final 63x63cm size. Innova completes this line, the full digital line by Projecta, a SITI B&T Group company specialising in digital decoration.

With its 60 linear metres per minute, a print front up to 1330 mm and the possibility of using 8 (6 + 2) different inks, the line printer installed at Incenor allows the opening of new graphic frontiers in digital printing for any size. The hardware implementations introduced with this technology allow the achievement of an extremely precise machine alignment. To complete it all, advanced colour management, essential to fully dominate the production process, and the latest generation system (SMART DROP) that allows perfect dot distribution, automating the registration of printing steps.

On the other hand, Incenor opted for the Smart Line solution from SITI B&T Group as regards sorting and palletizing systems; a 100% automatic technology that does not require the presence of an operator, extremely flexible and "hybrid", thanks to the possibility of alternating box "wrap" and "cover". It is fitted with the TILE VISION system, which allows any defects relating to flatness and product size to be identified 24/7, and with independent stackers that can be easily disassembled without interrupting production. Smart Line is the flagship of SITI palletizing technologies, now also available for large sizes up to 1200 x 1200 mm.


“For our Group - says Fabio Tarozzi, CEO of SITI B&T Group - 2022 will be a year of great satisfaction in Brazil. The project to increase and consolidate our presence in this market started last year with the opening of a second branch in Santa Gertrudes, an event that strengthened the activity of the historic production site in Mogi Guaçu. We are now reaping the benefits of this investment by actively collaborating with leading names in the Brazilian ceramic industry, ensuring a complete technological offer and a dynamic and efficient service ".

In recent months, SITI B&T Group has therefore collaborated with Ceramica Almeida for the doubling of the complete system, with 20,000 m2/day of lapped porcelain tiles up to 120x120mm and is installing a complete line for Incenor for the production of 44,000 m2/day of single fired, making it the most productive plant ever built. Incepa, a ceramic company in the Lamosa Group, has chosen SITI B&T Group for a complete line for small sizes, while Incefra, part of the Fragnani Group, has purchased a grinding and sorting line.

All these lines were completed with Projecta digital decoration machines, SITI B&T Smart Line sorting lines and Ancora grinding or lapping machines, a leading company in the Group in offering end-of-line technologies.

The branches have played a fundamental role in the growth process of SITI B&T Group in Brazil: thanks to new and important investments they have supported Brazilian customers with an on-time and flexible customer service, based on timely technical assistance and on premium supply of spare parts and tools for grinding and lapping, as well as on the local production of kilns and dryers.




SITI-B&T Group is a manufacturer of complete plants for the world ceramic industry with a strong presence in all global markets. It delivers outstanding technological solutions and innovative services with a special focus on energy efficiency and respect to the environment.  The Group boasts 23 companies, 17 of which are branches abroad in 12 different countries and on 4 continents, each year it invests 4% of its turnover in Research and Development, most of which is carried out in the modern bt-LAB in Formigine, main location of scientific laboratories and the four pilot lines of the different technologies.  

It offers customers a complete personalised service including technical assistance with installation, maintenance and modernisation of production lines. 

SITI-B&T Group operates through the following business units:  Tile (complete plants for tile production), Projecta Engineering and Digital Design (digital decorating machines and digital graphic design projects), Ancora (surface finishing systems for ceramic products), Diatex (cutting and grinding tools), B&T White (complete plants for sanitaryware) and B&T Quartz” (complete lines for agglomerated quartz).

Laminam seals deal with Barbieri & Tarozzi Group to acquire 100% of Best Surface and establishes manufacturing and technology footprint in Spain

Laminam keeps on its path towards growth and international expansion, adding its first facility in Spain - equipped with SUPERA® technology by SITI B&T Group for slabs - to existing plants in Italy and Russia


Fiorano Modenese, 22 December 2021 - Laminam (global leader in the production and marketing of ceramic slabs for high-end architecture and interior design, partly owned by Alpha Private Equity) and Barbieri & Tarozzi Group (manufacturer of technology and complete systems for the ceramic industry) have announced a deal allowing Laminam to acquire 100% of Best Surface. The transaction is due to be completed during the first quarter of 2022.


Best Surface originated from an idea by Barbieri & Tarozzi Group in 2018, although not falling within the same scope of consolidation as SITI B&T Group S.p.A.. - Located in the heart of the Spanish ceramic district of Castellón de la Plana, it produces and markets slabs under the brand "Idylium" and is the exclusive licensee of the "Automobili Lamborghini Surfaces" brand.

It is equipped with SUPERA® technology developed by SITI B&T Group, and within a few years the manufacturing facility has achieved a sound competitive position, with high quality and design products and a turnover of around €20 million.


Through its acquisition of Best Surface, Laminam is forging ahead in a growth strategy underpinned by quality and sustainability, by joining the ceramics district of Castellón de la Plana and strengthening its presence in the Spanish market at the same time.

Stepping up its expansion and internationalisation process, Laminam is complementing its existing production sites in Fiorano Modenese, Borgo Val di Taro and Vorsino (Russia), with its first plant in Spain, one of the world's leading markets. The acquisition of Best Surface was decided along with investments - totalling over €50 million - that are currently underway to double the production capacity of Laminam Group plants.

The transaction also further consolidates the technology partnership between Laminam and Barbieri & Tarozzi Group.


“Laminam entered an ambitious path towards growth and international expansion. The acquisition of Best Surface - says Laminam CEO Alberto Selmi - is part of this development plan and will allow the Group to expand its manufacturing footprint through direct access to the strategic ceramic district of Castellón de la Plana. We are pleased to welcome Best Surface and its people, whose contribution to the future growth of the Laminam Group will undoubtedly be significant considering the current situation of the market and our willingness to gain further shares in it".

“Best Surface showcases the technology offered by Barbieri & Tarozzi Group's for slabs - says Fabio Tarozzi, the group's CEO - in particular the SUPERA® 36,000-t press and the Titanium® kiln, rated best in its class for energy consumption and emissions. It is the most innovative line on the market due to its full-body decorative features (3D veining) and endless graphic design potential, all made possible by the integrated solutions of Digital Design and Projecta (full digital printing). Locally-sourced raw materials combined with low power and natural gas usage make this line not only highly efficient but also kind to the environment".

"The acquisition of Best Surface - underlines Edoardo Lanzavecchia, managing partner of Alpha Private Equity - is part of a value creation strategy, devised by Alpha Private Equity (a Europe-wide private equity fund that acquired a majority share in Laminam in June 2019). We are pleased to have such a key name as Best Surface joining Laminam. Its acquisition will accelerate our growth process significantly, due to the strong demand in the market and the constant, consolidated increase in the penetration of ceramic slabs within the world of materials for architecture and interior design. The operation will allow the development of important industrial and commercial synergies and will get the possibility to take a further, decisive step. All this in line with the plan promoted by Alpha and the management team: to position Laminam as the global leader in high-end ceramic materials, with a focus on high-quality, sustainable products and industrial processes".


For advice on legal matters and due diligence activities linked to financial, legal, tax and employment law issues, Laminam was assisted by KPMG, while for due diligence linked to environmental, social and governance matters, it was supported by ERM; Barbieri & Tarozzi Group was advised by Equita K Finance for financial matters and by SCOA law firm for legal aspects.



Laminam is global leader in the market for large ceramic slabs for high-end architecture, furniture and design.

Founded in 2001, it was the first company to industrialise its production of large ceramic slabs, and the first manufacturer to introduce unconventional applications for ceramics through innovative, worldwide unique technologies.

Under the guidance of CEO Alberto Selmi, Laminam has achieved extraordinary growth since 2010, becoming a world leader in the industry, thanks to clear-cut strategic choices and forward-looking investments - aimed at international expansion, sustainable product innovation and the digital transformation of commercial relations and operations.

Today, Laminam is a global group with operations in over 100 markets, which are supported by an extensive distribution network comprising 11 sales branches, 13 showrooms and a system of distribution partners. It has an international manufacturing footprint, consisting of three production facilities, two of which are located in Italy and one in Russia. A consolidated turnover of over €170 million is expected for 2021.



Barbieri & Tarozzi Group, parent organisation of public limited company SITI B&T Group SpA (listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market), produces complete systems for the ceramic industry, with a widespread presence in markets worldwide. It offers outstanding technology solutions and innovative services, with special focus on energy efficiency and environmental compatibility.

The Group comprises 25 companies including 20 branches abroad in 12 different countries and four continents;  it invests 4% of its turnover every year in Research and Development, most of which is conducted in the advanced bt-LAB facility in Formigine, home to laboratories and the four pilot lines for the various technologies. 

It also guarantees customers a complete, customised service, which includes technical assistance for the installation, maintenance and modernisation of production lines. 

The Group operates through the following operating units: "Tile" (complete systems for tiles), Projecta Engineering and Digital Design (digital decoration equipment and graphic design projects), Ancora (systems for the surface finishing of ceramic products), Diatex and Mec Abrasives (cutting, grinding and lapping tools), "B&T White” (complete systems for sanitaryware), and “B&T Quartz” (complete lines for agglomerated quartz).



Alpha is an independent pan-European private equity fund that currently manages around €2 billion. The fund's underwriters are leading international institutional investors, such as funds of funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and private investors, with whom Alpha has long-standing relationships.

Alpha invests in family businesses or spin-offs of large companies. With offices based in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Milan, and Paris, Alpha specialises in management buy-outs, focussing in particular on companies within which it can actually have a direct impact on value creation, accompanying and assisting owners and managers in the growth of company through both internal and external actions.

The Alpha portfolio currently consists of 10 holdings in Europe and includes LAMINAM, Calligaris (leader in the global high-end furniture market), Caffitaly (production and distribution of proprietary machine/pod systems for espresso coffee), Vervent (design, production, and marketing of audio devices for high-end and luxury segments), AMF (leader in the market of metal components for the fashion and luxury sector), Remazel Engineering (design and manufacture of special offshore equipment for renewable energy and the oil & gas markets), Europart (leading European parts distributor for commercial vehicles in the aftermarket segment), Ipcom (leader in the distribution and conversion of building and technical insulation solutions), Fevert (leading independent provider of after-sales services for the automotive sector in France and Southern Europe) and Optima (innovative multi-utility company supplying an integrated range of energy, telecommunications, insurance and healthcare products).

Fabio Tarozzi confermato Vicepresidente di Federmeccanica

Fabio Tarozzi confermato Vicepresidente di Federmeccanica

Formigine, 28 maggio 2021 – Il Presidente designato di Federmeccanica, Federico Visentin, ha presentato ieri la squadra di Presidenza in attesa dell’elezione del prossimo 25 giugno all’Assemblea Generale. Il Consiglio Generale ha quindi approvato i sette Vicepresidenti con deleghe operative per il biennio 2021-2023.

Fabio Tarozzi, presidente e amministratore delegato di SITI B&T Group, è stato confermato per il secondo mandato Vicepresidente con delega ai Rapporti con i Territori.